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Yuria Mizuta

Freely interprets the soaring of YUU. An allegory in white and feathered wings. A modern-day Icarus, she explores YUU in pictures.

Merging business and consumer communities. Decompartmentalizing the product/service/purchase process. Promoting a shift from the linear “conception-manufacturing-retail-purchase” mode, to a circular mode whereby the purchased product is re-used in a new cycle of production or capitalization. A community which reaches out to another community. Yuu sets the framework for exchange within a community of interactive consumers: between the consumers themselves (sharing their experience); the consumer and the retailer (through continued support service); the consumer and the designer (for the creation of new products); the consumer and the producer (for the release of new products); the consumer and the distributor (when aiming to capitalize on one's purchase by showing it to other prospective buyers).
